Instructor Payment Methods
Instructor Payment Methods For us to pay you in a timely manner, you must own a PayPal, Payoneer, or UK bank account (for UK residents only). You can change you payout methos by going to your profile avatar at the top right and clicking on Payout settings from the dropdown menu. Related Posts Trust and Safety […]
Instructor Revenue Report
Instructor Revenue Report You can track and review your course sales on the instructor revenue report. How to view the Revenue Report Go to your instructor profile image in the top-right-hand of the page. Click on Revenue reportfrom the dropdown menu Or Go to your instructor tab and click on the Dashboard icon on the left-hand […]
Instructor Revenue Share
Instructor Revenue Share When a student purchases your Submitted Content, we calculate the gross amount of the sale as the amount actually received by Aethenos from the student (“Gross Amount”). From this, we subtract any Transaction Taxes and any PayPal/Stripe processing fees to calculate the net amount of the sale (“Net Amount”). If you have […]