
How to Refund a Course

For whatever reason, if you are unhappy with a course, you can request a refund, provided the request meets the guidelines in our refund policy.

If the content you purchased is not what you were expecting, you can request, within 30 days of your purchase of the content, that Aethenos apply a refund to your account. We reserve the right to apply your refund as a refund credit or a refund to your original payment method, at our discretion, depending on capabilities of our payment service providers, the platform from which you purchased your content (website, mobile or TV app), and other factors. No refund is due to you if you request it after the 30-day guarantee time limit has passed. However, if the content you previously purchased is disabled for certain legal or policy reasons, you are entitled to a refund beyond this 30-day limit. Aethenos also reserves the right to refund students beyond the 30-day limit in cases of suspected or confirmed account fraud.

At our discretion, if we believe you are abusing our refund policy, such as if you’ve consumed a notable amount of the content that you want to refund or if you’ve previously refunded the content, we reserve the right to deny your refund, restrict you from other future refunds, ban your account, and/or restrict all future use of the Services. If we ban your account or disable your access to the content due to your violation of these Terms or our Trust & Safety Guidelines, you will not be eligible to receive a refund. Additional information on our refund policy is available here.

To request a refund, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to your Purchase history by clicking on your account picture at the top right-hand of the page. A dropdown menu will appear. Next click on Purchase history.

2. Locate the course you wish to refund and click on Request a refund.

3. Fill in a refund reason and click on SUBMIT

4. You will receive following message. An email confirmation for the receipt of your request will also be sent. The refund status in the Purchase history will change to processing.

5. Once the refund is approved you will get an email confirmation, and the refund status in the Purchase history will change to Approved.